What Is An Intervention?

Understanding the work of addiction intervention and the various styles employed by the interventionist is not something familiar to most people. Intervention itself is a misunderstood process. Somehow, it conjures up visions of dragging someone off to a treatment center, kicking and screaming. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a true expression of love and, if done correctly, can truly honor the loved one, who by this point must be feeling a great deal of pain and loneliness. An intervention is one of the greatest expressions of love one can give.

There are as many intervention styles as there is Addiction Interventionist. However, in all cases, the intervention is a statement of love, and done with kindness and respect. Some Interventionists use the Invitational Approach, that is to say, they invite the addict to meet with the family and friends to discuss the problem. We have used this method in some cases, it really depends on the individual situation, whether or not, the person accepts the Invite. Addiction is a family disease and it works best if everyone is getting treatment.

Also, there is the Surprise Intervention. We believe that part of the “power of the intervention” is in seeing everyone in the same room. Usually the  Alcoholic / Addicted will have told different stories to members at various times, often lies or half truths, so the  HEALing Team has shared information with each other, and now have a somewhat clearer picture of the situation.

As stated above, there are several types of interventions. It depends on which style will work best for each situation as both can be done effectively. The main goal is to start the HEALing process not only with the person being intervened upon but all who are affected.

Please read the Article The Four Parts under this tab for more details or contact HEALing sea turtle for more information.

Contact HEALing sea turtle

1-877-799-3889 Toll Free


HEALing sea turtle, LLC and its staff do not provide Medical Treatment and are not Medical Doctors, Counselors, or a Treatment / Recovery Center. HEALing sea turtle, LLC is a Drug and Alcohol Intervention and Consulting Firm, and its advice does not replace the advice of Medical Professionals, Counselors, or Treatment / Recovery Centers.